Opening access for all - trimming the Fairy Meadow Hut trail
Trail clearing will open up Fairy Meadow Hut for summer access
The Bill Putnam Hut, or as it is more widely known, Fairy Meadow Hut is located in the Adamant range in the northern Selkirk Mountains of BC. It is well known for being a powder skiing mecca. Week long trips are booked through a lottery system at The Alpine Club of Canada and if you are lucky enough to win, you’re almost guaranteed to have the best ski week of your life.
In winter, this is a self-guided helicopter access hut that is coveted by many. The winter ski camp the ACC runs annually sells out every year and faster than any other camp we run.
The Adamants. World Class? We’ll let you decide. Photo by Dave McCormick.
So many objectives and never enough time
In the summer the Adamant range is at the doorstep of the Fairy Meadow Hut and is a world-class climbing and mountaineering locale. Sadly, summer access into this area has, over the past 10 years, slowly degraded and become overgrown to the point where it became known to be helicopter-access only. The last known group to go to the hut, early in 2016, took just over 12 hours to thrash their way up to the hut. This is a far cry from the 5 - 6 hours it should take when the trail is clear. Because of this overgrowth and the cost of a helicopter flight, the Adamants have seen few visitors.
So a keen group of ACC volunteers on two separate weekends, organized by the national office, put themselves to work clearing the trail up to the hut.
Alders, alders everywhere
Who likes alders? No one, no one likes alders. On Aug 19 – 21, 2016, a crew of four volunteers from Calgary, Canmore, Salmon Arm and Saskatchewan camped at the trailhead into the Fairy Meadow Hut and after two days, 1.3 km of thick brush was cleared. But the group was thirsty for more.
Returning to finish the job
A month later on September 23 – 25, eight strong volunteers were back on the trail. Working in two teams of four, major gains were made upwards towards the hut. This second group cut 1.6 km the first day and pushed the remaining 200 m to the start of an old growth section where the trail was indistinct (flagged) but not overgrown. With this success it is estimated that of the 9.1 km long trail, 5.4 km is cleared for easy passage and only 3.7 km remain to be cleared.
With a top down approach coming late June, early July, 2017, the Fairy Meadow hut will be officially be open for foot traffic and access to a world class mountain environment will be restored to those who have a thirst for adventure.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
The ACC wouldn't be the organization that it is today without the support of dedicated volunteers. This weekend was a showcase of the above mentioned volunteers that are willing to donate their time and energy to helping create a community that is dedicated to getting outside and making it all happen. So I would like to thank Nathan Dahl, Bob Thrasher, Kristine O'Rielly, Clark Bostrom, Clyde Bostrom, Emily Doyle, Brian Baum, Matt Marshall, Tess Sansom and Gordon Hopper for their energy, smiles and excitement to help clear a path back into the remote Adamant mountains and the Fairy Meadow Hut.
Important access information
On the main forestry access road near the 50 km mark and onward, the road will almost become impassable even with 4x4 vehicles during heavy rain events. If driving in in wet conditions, please make sure you are a part of a convoy and have towing capabilities. There is active logging from km 60 onward and at the trail head parking. Please be aware that these side roads are worse off than the main road if wet. Please park well onto the shoulder to allow forestry vehicles to pass.
We do ask and recommend that anyone traveling in by foot to bring a small saw and help keep this trail open and accessible for years to come.
Fairy Meadow Hut - further access information is found on the Fairy Meadow page
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