The Torngat Tale


Editor's Note - Three ACC Ottawa members journeyed deep into Newfoundland & Labrador to explore Torngat Mountains National Park this summer. There they travelled over 80km by foot and climbed several remote peaks. The following photo essay documents their time in the National Park and will hopefully inspire readers to get after their own self-driven expeditions.

For the full written story, check out the 2018 Winter issue of the Gazette - and for the all new design!

Torngat Mountains National Park - way out there!

One of our campsites in the gorge of the thousand waterfalls. Note the portable electric fence around camp. Photo: Paul Denys

The hiking circuit!

 Torngat interior Base Camp. The hardshell domes are permanent structures for guided parties. Photo: Deb Clouthier

Paul traversing a ridge with Nachvak fiord (Polar Bear ally) in background. Photo: Deb Clouthier

Approaching the summit of Mount Caubvick with Mike on lead. Photo: Deb Clouthier

Mike, Deb and Paul on the summit of Caubvick. Photo: Deb Clouthier

On the summit - register in hand! Photo: Paul Denys

Mike and route finding on the return with the summit now behind us. Photo: Paul Denys

Deb waiting for the word to go as we head towards the summit. Photo: Paul Denys

Mike and Deb descending the gorge of the thousand waterfalls. Photo: Paul Denys

Heading for the Palmer river and Nachvak fiord. Photo: Paul Denys

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