Photo Insiders: "Campfires + Condors" & "Exploring the Nahanni National Park"
2020 Summer Gazette, available online for free here.
Editor’s Note: Member stories in the ACC Gazette often get accompanied with some pretty amazing photos, and more often than not, we can’t fit them all in there - which is a shame, since there’s awesome material that may never see the light of day.
To help provide some bonus content and shed daylight on a few unprinted gems, we’re introducing “Photo Insiders” to the Aspects blog.
The first two stories include:
Campfires + Condors: The 2020 John Lauchlan Memorial Award trip report to Chile to climb new routes in Cochamo Valley. All the photos submitted to the report are from Jaron Pham, and all the photos in this post.
Exploring the Nahanni National Park: ACC Yukon Section members head to the Nahanni National Park in search of new objectives.
For the full reads, check out the 2020 Summer Gazette - it’s free!
Campfires + Condors
After a hike to the col that descends to El Monstruo, Nat Bailey enjoys a few rays of sunshine that peak through rain clouds.
Nat Bailey and Drew Marshall search the walls of the Trinidad Valley for new lines.
The valleys of Cochamo teem with life; many different species of ferns fill the space between the towering old-growth giants.
Clinton Leung pulls off a tricky RP placement, high on the crux pitch of Arrayan.
Vinny Catino enjoys one of the few creature comforts available in the high valleys of Cochamo - a warm fire beneath the bivy boulder.
In the gully below, Clinton Leung gets ready to tackle the 8 pitches of his new route Arrayan 5.12d
Cerro Laguna, one of the walls that became a place of humbling and learning.
Exploring the Nahanni National Park
We spent a lot of time scoping out future objectives and the mountains sitting outside of the park showed some beautiful lines. Photo: Breanne Johnson
Photo: Jonathon Driscoll.
Photo: Jonathon Driscoll.
Photo: Rob Cohen.
Photo: Geneviève Favreau.
Photo: Breanne Johnson
Photo: Breanne Johnson
Basecamp. Photo: Geneviève Favreau.
Share your story
The Gazette covers current Club events, true adventure stories submitted by members from across the country and around the globe, safety tips, gear hints, history, and scientific and cultural issues pertaining to the mountain environment. It is published in March, July and November. We are always seeking good articles and stories from members and regional sections.
We prefer to work closely with authors. Drop us an email and pitch your ACC story - we'd love to hear from you!